. m u t a t i o n . r a i n f o r e s t .

. s p e c i e s . o f . t h e . f o r e s t .

the species of the forest are plentiful and vast, yet not all of them have been discovered quite yet. as time goes on, new species are usually uncovered, along with what are known as total mutations. here is the information that has been compiled as of yet of the forest.

(dragon family) dragors are surprisingly agressive creatures with twoweak front arms. the males use these arms for fighting and the femalesuse these arms for digging nests. there is a mutation rate of five percentin this speices. thay had two main colors, their body color and the oneused for their stripes. they usually control the power of the moons andstars. they are a mix of raptors, dragons, and some unknown creature. theycan breed with only other members of the dragon family.

dragors possess a light amount of magic and usuallyuse it to only hold things off. they can use magic of thewater, sun, fire, and land. they often do not use it forentertainment, as it drains them too much.

(mix family) wolcrags are a mix of wolves, cats, dragons, and what isthought to be some kind of equine. they usually have hooves on theirhind legs and paws on their front. they are territorial, but not towardtheir own race. they usually live in large packs, but are also good atbeing lone wonderors. they can breed with memebers of the equine and dragon families.

wolcrags possess some magic but not as much asunidragorns. they have the power to posses the land, sun, andwind. they use it for fun more then for fighting and try notto over do it.

(equine family) pericons are friendly, intelligent creatures. theyare very fast and are a mix of horses, lions, and dragons. they live inlarge herds and can breed with any member of the equine or dragon family.when they breed, the usually breed for life. They have several types ofcoat colors and there is a mutation rate of five percent. if you adopt one, thenyou should try to find it a friend as soon as possible.

pericons possess less magic then Wolcrags but donot need it as much, for they run much faster than wolcrags.they can have powers of the wind, water, fire, or land, butnever can they use any more then one. they have used it onlyin drastic times and now hardly ever use it except when they are learning how to.

(dragon family) unidragorns are smart yet agressive creatures. theyposses some magical powers and are a mix of dragons, unicorns, andanother unknown species. they usually have one solid color for theirbody, but some mutations have spots and or stripes. the mutation rateis ten percent. they can breed with other members of the dragon family,and the mix family. they live in packs of six or less.

unidragorns possess the most magic in the wholeforest. they can control the powers of water, fire, wind,land, sun, moon, stars, and can use more then one. they, however,can never use any more then three of these powers.they are sometimes stingy on using magic, for they are afriadthat, once they use it, they'll need it for something ofimportance.

(equine family) the jalinars are a mix of pegasi, goats, unicors,alicorns, horses, bear, and lion. they are very intelligent anddefensive (not to mention very quick to judge.) they have a surprisinglylarge number of coat colors and mixed, and the mutation rate of fivepercent in this species. they can have the manes and tails of lions orhorses, and they live in herds of seven or less and breed with othermembers of equine family and the mix family.

jalinars possess the same amount of power aspericons. they hardly ever use it alone, and they can "channel"magic together easily. they can posses powers of the moon,sun, and stars. they will not use it for fun unless thereare five or more in their groups.

(mix family) lioskies are a mix of lions, eagles, and griffens. theyare said to be decendances of griffens, but this is still unproven.they are strong, live in packs, but are not very intelligent. they arequite passive but will attack if nessissary. they have a fifteen percentmutation rate and will breed with other members of the mix family.

lioskies possess more power then jalinars but canonly use powers of water and wind. they seldom use these powers unless absolutely nessisary and would rather keep it tothemselves.

. m u t a t i o n . r a i n f o r e s t .